Thursday, September 11, 2008


We're in Boston! We (the girls and I) recieved a LifeLine Pilots flight to come out for the 1p36 deletion conference! Mike flew out on a commercial airline, because he scheduled a work trip to happen when we were here for the conference. It actually starts tomorrow, so today the girls and I had time to do some tourist things while Mike worked. We went on a Whale Watch! Then to the New England Aquarium for the rest of the day! The girls and I are TIRED! Tomorrow we have some time before conference stuff starts. Don't know yet if we'll find something else in Boston to do, or maybe just hang out at the hotel and use the pool. We'll see how we're feeling. Thanks for your prayers! This is such a fun trip! It took 3 small planes to get us here, and the girls both did really great! I will post more about everything when we're home.

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