Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ato T

We're having a tough summer with Ato T.  The big girls are in more activities, which means he comes along with us and is away from home more.  Ato T DOES NOT like to be away from home.  More importantly, he doesn't like to be away from his little rocking chair, which is is sitting in for almost every photo, because that's usually when he's happy.  He does well at school, and is usually fairly content at home, and does well if other people are caring for him.  But when Mike or I are "in charge," he screams and has tantrums A LOT.  So if you see posts of family activities and Ato T is not included, this is why.  We only take him with us when we have no other choice or it's something he will enjoy.

  It's hard to love someone so much, but still feel angry at them.  We're looking into a 5 day dolphin therapy in the Keys, and praying that may help a bit.  In the meantime, his PCA hours have increased dramatically.  So much that I don't know that it's physically possible for us to actually use all of them.  That's a blessing!

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