Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fall recap

Movie night at Grandma and Grandpa's:

Instead of celebrating Halloween, we have a tradition of having a family movie night. This year we did it with Mike's side of the family. It was a fun night!

A fall visit with Miss I's birth family:

Miss I with her birth mom

Miss O with Miss I's birth grandma

Miss I with her birth grandma

Fall fun with friends:
We love getting together with our friends Lisa, James and Will!

Fall Festival fun at church:

October snow:

A day at the pumpkin patch in October:

Ato T refused to look at the camera for a family picture

He wasn't too sure about his first hay ride, but he really warmed up to it by the time it was done!

Petting the animals is always fun!

Gym day with one of our homeschool groups:

Miss I loved learning to play floor hockey!

Miss O having fun on the scooter

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