Saturday, April 03, 2010

Fun night

A couple of weeks ago, Grandma Lynn and Grandpa Bob took the kids overnight for us, so we could get some time away together. What a blessing that was! These are some shots of the kids and grandparents playing in the back yard before we left for the evening.

Miss O and I had spent the morning at a Neuropsychology appointment. They spent a good amount of time making me feel terrible about our decision to home school, and trying to convince me that it would be best for Miss O if she were in a special Ed. setting in a school classroom. I came home in tears. Thankfully, my wonderful husband is just as committed to homeschooling the kids as I am, and he was comforting to me, and so was Lynn. But, after a morning like that, it sure was nice to get away with my husband to discuss our plans and options, regroup, and just relax. We spent the afternoon at the Science Museum Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit. We checked in to our hotel, had a nice dinner out, and a relaxing evening in the room. In the morning we checked out a new book store we hadn't been to before, and found they had a good sized homeschooling section. It was a nice, relaxing time away.

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