Friday, March 12, 2010

Wiggle Tag

Miss O made up her own game, called Wiggle Tag. It's not really tag, more of a race. She had us start in the front living room and do an exercise (like crab walk, downward facing dog, etc.). Then we run to the front door, which is where the race begins. We race to the patio door in the back family room and then back to the front door. Our last time doing it, she added that we had to run around the dining room table before going to the patio door.

This is an amazing accomplishment for Miss O! She made up her own game with rules, and explained it very well to the whole family! Then she came up with her own name for it! I wish I could explain how incredibly amazing this is for our beautiful girl who happens to have 1p36 deletion syndrome. It was the funnest game I have ever played!

I feel so blessed to have her here at home with us all the time, so we are able to witness these wonderful bursts of creativity. On a side note, she has also been very interested in making her own books lately. :) We praise the Lord for His grace in allowing Miss O to continue to develop so well!

1 comment:

sherry said...

That is so awesome...Miss O is creative and smart little girl. Thanks for sharing with us!