Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Plan

I will be flying out to go to Mississippi early Saturday morning. This was the cheapest flight we could find, which is why I'm going down early. Mike and the kids will follow in the van, with his mom, who has volunteered to go with us and help with the older 3 kids while we do hospital. Mandy (the dog) will go my parents farm and have a fun "vacation" with their dogs!

I'm really hoping that flying down 2 days early will allow me to spend some time with the birth mom, but we need to talk to her and see what her schedule will allow. If nothing else, I'll spend time shopping for groceries for the time we'll be there and checking out things to do in the area. We'll be in Mississippi 7-10 business days, waiting for the interstate compact to go through, and then we'll drive home.

Right now, the plan is to fly Mike's mom home once the hospital stuff is done. Unless we have a very crabby baby, then plans could change. :)

I'll do my best to keep you updated on our blog. Thanks for the prayers!

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