Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day 4

Day 4 has been a day for bumps, bangs and bruises. Grandma Bogie can provide most of the details, though in the short time I was home, I did manage to witness three falling incidents, two of which led to some bleeding and one that led to knee scraping. And all three of those were pretty much within an hour's timeframe!

Today is Grandma Lynn's birthday. Auntie Stefanie (that's right, if you didn't see the name correctly, that's AUNTIE STEFANIE... inside joke...) invited us to go out to dinner at Fuddruckers with her and Grandma Lynn. Sad to say, but the girls pretty much just ate ice cream for dinner (oh, the things they get away with when mommy is not around).

During the day the girls had a great time playing at the park with Grandma Bogie, doing crafts and making a birthday card for Grandma Lynn!

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