Sunday, September 10, 2006

Day 7

Oh boy. Kind of a rough day today. We all made the most of it however. We started the day off all a bit tired, but still had a pretty good morning. The girls made it through almost the entire church service without any meltdowns. I was impressed. There's only so long a kid can sit through a church service... especially on Rally Sunday with Sunday School teacher installations and communion, etc, etc... even I was getting antsy to get going. The afternoon consisted of short naps, dance time (where we bop 'til we drop and Isabelle wears her dancing hat), and a visit to the Mall and Target. Bath was successful today. I consider it a success anytime I don't deal with major splashing. I got squirted by a plastic turtle, but no major water battles. Very rough night for Olivia falling asleep (took about an hour and a half). If you think of it, prayers in that regard are appreciated. The past two nights she has woken up several times in the night crying. There's simply a lot of changes in her life these days. She still manages to light up a bright smile every now and then! Grandpa Bob and Grandma Lynn come over tomorrow, so I'm sure the girls will have a blast.

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